
陈恕求, 陈明, 张晓文, 等. 长期血透患者获得性囊性肾病合并肾癌8例报告并文献复习[J]. 临床泌尿外科杂志, 2012, 27(1): 33-35.
引用本文: 陈恕求, 陈明, 张晓文, 等. 长期血透患者获得性囊性肾病合并肾癌8例报告并文献复习[J]. 临床泌尿外科杂志, 2012, 27(1): 33-35.
CHEN Shuqiu, CHEN Ming, ZHANG Xiaowen, et al. Acquired cystic kidney disease associated renal cell carcinoma in long-term hemodialysis patients: report of 8 cases and review of literature[J]. J Clin Urol, 2012, 27(1): 33-35.
Citation: CHEN Shuqiu, CHEN Ming, ZHANG Xiaowen, et al. Acquired cystic kidney disease associated renal cell carcinoma in long-term hemodialysis patients: report of 8 cases and review of literature[J]. J Clin Urol, 2012, 27(1): 33-35.


    通讯作者: 陈明,E-mail:chenshuqiu@hotmail.com
  • 中图分类号: R737.11

Acquired cystic kidney disease associated renal cell carcinoma in long-term hemodialysis patients: report of 8 cases and review of literature

More Information
  • 目的:学习长期血透患者获得性囊性肾病合并肾癌的筛查和诊治方法。方法:回顾性分析我院维持性血透获得性囊性肾病合并肾癌患者8例,均为B超和CT诊断为双肾多发性囊肿合并肾实质性占位,并行后腹腔镜下根治性肾切除术,术后维持规律性血透,并严密随访。结果:长期血透患者226例,获得性囊性肾病105例(46.5%),获得性囊性肾病合并肾癌8例(3.5%),在获得性囊性肾病中发生率为7.6%(8/105),其中男5例,女3例,年龄(58.6±16.4)岁,血透(12.2±6.9)年。8例患者(9次)行后腹腔镜下根治性肾切除术,手术均成功,出血(45.2±20.3)ml,手术时间(72.5±20.3)min,无严重手术并发症,术后病理3例为透明细胞癌和6例为乳头状癌。住院天数为(7.5±2.4)d。随访12~63个月,无瘤存活5例。结论:肾癌在获得性囊性肾病患者中发病率高,随着血透患者寿命的延长,血透3年后需重视和建立肾癌筛查机制,腹腔镜下根治性肾切除术安全有效、恢复快,并注重患者心脑血管疾病及糖尿病等并发症的积极治疗,有助于进一步延长血透患者寿命。
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