Diagnosis and treatment of bladder leiomyoma(reprot of 21 cases and review of literature)
摘要: 目的:探讨膀胱平滑肌瘤的临床特点、诊治方法及预后。方法:回顾性分析21例膀胱平滑肌瘤患者的临床资料及术后随访,并复习相关文献。结果:本组21例患者分别采用膀胱部分切除、膀胱肿瘤剜除和经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术治疗,术后病理诊断均为膀胱平滑肌瘤,术后随访9个月~8年,均无肿瘤转移或复发。结论:膀胱平滑肌瘤系泌尿系少见的良性肿瘤。结合影像等资料能够初步诊断,确诊依靠膀胱镜检查及病理活检,治疗以手术为主,预后良好。Abstract: Objective:To investigate the clinical feature,diagnosis,treatment and prognosis of bladder leiomyoma.Method:A retrospective study was done including reviewing the clinical datas of 21 patients with bladder leiomyoma.All patients with bladder leiomyoma have been successfully followed-up and associated literature were reviewed.Result:All patients were treated via partial cystectomy,enucleation or transurethral resection respectively.All cases were confirmed as bladder leiomyoma by pathology after operation.Recurrence and metastases have not be found during follow-up from 9 months to 8 years.Conclusion:Leiomyoma of the bladder is benign tumor rarely occurred in clinic which initial diagnosis needs combining with medical imaging and cystoscopy and pathological biopsy.Surgery is the main chioce for the treatment of bladder leiomyoma, and the prognosisis well.
Key words:
- bladder tumor /
- leiomyoma /
- diagnosis /
- treatment
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