摘要: 隐睾症是男性最常见的性发育障碍疾病,可见于3.5%的新生儿。尽管约一半的新生儿隐睾可自发下降,但是部分男性睾丸在儿童后期还会不断上升,维持隐睾状态。隐睾患者中有15%~20%的未降睾丸不能触及,称之为未触及睾丸或不可触及睾丸(NPT)的隐睾症。NPT中60%为无活力睾丸(NVT),包括睾丸残迹、睾丸结节、睾丸缺如和阴囊内萎缩睾丸等,剩下的40%为形态大致正常的腹腔内睾丸(IAT)和腹腔外睾丸(EAT)。目前临床上对NPT隐睾的处理仍存在较大争议。本文将从病因、术前检查评估、手术方式选择、新兴技术和临床尚存争议等方面对NPT隐睾作一综述。Abstract: Cryptorchidism is the most common disorder of sexual development in boys and affects 3.5% of male newborns.Although approximately half of newborn undescended testes descend spontaneously, some of testicles will continue to ascend later in childhood and maintain cryptorchidism.Approximately 15% to 20% of undescended testes are nonpalpable, which could be termed as cryptorchidism with nonpalpable testis (NPT).Nonviable NPTs including testicular remnants, testicular nubbins, vanished testes and scrotal atrophic testes account for 60%.The remaining 40% are relatively normal size intra-or extra-abdominal testes.The current clinical manangement of cryptorchidism with NPT remains controversial.This review serves as an update on several aspects such as etiology, preoperative examination and evaluation, surgical options, emerging procedures and clinical ongoing controversies.
Key words:
- cryptorchidism /
- testes /
- etiology /
- evaluation /
- management
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